„Projekt - Otwarci na przyszłość - współfinansowany w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej Erasmus+”

sobota, 22 kwietnia 2017

HOW I KEEP FIT - projekt zrealizowany w ramach eTwinning między szkołą hiszpańską Jaime Balmes School, łotewską Pamatskola w Striki i naszą szkołą


During the first term, our students have been part of an E-twinning Project called: “How I keep fit?”  Trough it, we shared with our Polish friends what we do to keep fit, what sport we practice and healthy habits. 

In this video you can watch how Jaime Balmes School students have carried out the Project: How I keep fit?
Our students have learnt healthy habbits, which food is good and bad for us and how to keep fit practing sports.

From Latvia:

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